Cool Parent Syndrome; Redefining Cool

  • Ganesh Amgain Nirvana Psychosocial Care Center & Research
Keywords: Parenting styles, Cool parents, Cool parents syndrome



Parenting style also called parental behaviour is the way parents
generally relate to their children.1 It is the overall emotional climate in
which parents raise their children. It has been divided into four different
categories; Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, and Uninvolved.
Experts recommend parents to follow authoritative parenting styles
which are perceived to be the most effective one. But in the Nepalese context,
authoritarian parenting style runs among the families. Researches have
shown that the Nepalese parenting style could not be incorporated into a
single parenting style as suggested by Baumrind.2 Present-day parents
in the Nepalese context, not setting clear rules for the children, and provision
of more than enough freedom is found to be cool. Most of the parenting
studies only find the correlation between parenting styles and
outcomes rather than cause and effect. That’s why, rather than sticking
to a specific type of parenting style or be cool with them, it’s crucial to take
time and be able to connect to them and address the needs of the children.

How to Cite
Amgain, G. (2020). Cool Parent Syndrome; Redefining Cool. Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 1(1), 1-4. Retrieved from

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